Andrews is best to use Spanish dictionary
《西班牙语助手》Android版- 拥有与桌面版相同容量的词库。包括西汉-汉西词典、西班牙语近义词词典、西班牙语专业词典以及西西、西英等大量词库- 轻松查变位,支持西语所有十九种变位形式以及变位反查功能-西语单词真人发音- 完善的生词本、历史记录功能- 智能西语字符纠正,解决西语字符输入问题- 生词本网络同步"Spanish Assistant" for Android-Thesaurus with the same capacity as the desktop version. Including Western-Chinese-Chinese dictionary, Spanish dictionary of synonyms, Spanish professional dictionary and a large number of lexicons-Easily check the displacement, support all 19 kinds of displacement forms in Spanish and the reverse search function-Real pronunciation of Spanish words-Perfect new word book and history record function-Smart Spanish character correction to solve the problem of Spanish character input-Synchronization of new words【本次更新】新增 2021 秋季版词库更新新增 背单词模块新增“备份恢复”功能,避免第三方清理工具误删数据新增 背单词允许设置是否有限显示单词课本自带释义新增 西语原声例句提示搜索单词对应的中文释义改进 优化PDF文件阅读功能【近期更新】新增 优化摄像头取词和拍照查词,支持横屏拍照并大幅提高准确率新增 第三方MDX词库支持全文搜索(具体使用方法请参考软件内帮助)改进 夜间模式闪烁问题